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Product Details
The iO-Series panels provide a new standard in small building life safety. This small panel packs a punch and like its larger cousins the EST3 and EST3X it utilizes intelligent detection components to provide unparalleled detection. Whether you’re using the iO1000 or iO64 you can take advantage of detectors that continuously tune the detectors sensitivity to meet environmental conditions. These types of innovation reduce the risk of false alarm providing peace of mind to your tenants.
Product Description
• Auto-programming speeds installation time
• Supports Signature Series intelligent modules and detectors
• Combines the Signature intelligent releasing module with
Signature multisensor detectors for reliable fire suppression
• Form C contacts for alarm and trouble, Form A for supervisory
• Electronic addressing with automatic device mapping
• Optional Ethernet port for diagnostics, programming and a variety of system reports
• Two programmable switches with LEDs and custom labeling
• Supports Genesis horn silence over two wires, and UL 1971-compliant strobe synchronization
• Class B or Class A wiring
• Ground fault detection by module
• Supports up to eight serial annunciators, (LCD, LED-only, and graphic interface)
• Can use existing wiring for most retrofit applications
• Upload/download remotely or locally
• Two-level maintenance alert reporting
• Pre-alarm and alarm verification by point
• Adjustable detector sensitivity
• 4 x 20 character backlit LCD display
• Optional earthquake hardening: seismic Importance Factor 1.5
• Standalone operation
• Alarm ON command manually activates alarm condition
iO 1000 1 loop, expandable to 4, Class A or B (Styles 4, 6, 7), each loop supporting up to 250 device addresses (125 detectors and 125 modules max.).
Addresses 1 to 125 are for detectors and addresses 126 to 250 are for modules
Maximum T-taps/loop: 1244 Class B (Style Y) or 2 Class A (Style Z)
6.0 A FWR total at 120/230 VAC 60 Hz
5.0 A FWR total at 230 VAC 50 Hz
2.5 A FWR each max. per circuit
120 VAC, 60 Hz, 2.0 A max.
230 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 0.97 A max.172 mA 267 mA 32 max.
8 drops max., RS-485 Class A or B
Data line length: 4,000 ft. (1,219 m)